Pra quem usa comando stsadm para o Project Server, segue uma lista extensa:
Operations for the Stsadm command-line tool in Microsoft Office Project Server 2007 |
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Visual Basic (Usage)
To use the Stsadm command-line tool, you must be a member of the Administrators group on the local computer that is running Office Project Server 2007. |
In this article:
- Operation name: Projcatgroupbackup
- Operation name: Projcatgrouprestore
- Operation name: Projcreatecategory
- Operation name: Projcreateentity
- Operation name: Projcreategroup
- Operation name: Projcreatepwainstance
- Operation name: Projcustfieldsbackup
- Operation name: Projcustfieldsrestore
- Operation name: Projdeactivateentity
- Operation name: Projdeletecategory
- Operation name: Projdeletegroup
- Operation name: Projdeletepwainstance
- Operation name: Projeglobalbackup
- Operation name: Projeglobalrestore
- Operation name: Projenumcategories
- Operation name: Projenumgroups
- Operation name: Projenumpermissions
- Operation name: Projenumprojects
- Operation name: Projenumpwainstances
- Operation name: Projenumsecuritytemplates
- Operation name: Projenumusers
- Operation name: Projerpbackup
- Operation name: Projerprestore
- Operation name: Projguidfromcategoryname
- Operation name: Projguidfromentitydisplayname
- Operation name: Projguidfromentityemail
- Operation name: Projguidfromentitylogonname
- Operation name: Projguidfromgroupname
- Operation name: Projguidfrompermissionname
- Operation name: Projguidfromprojectname
- Operation name: Projguidfromsecuritytemplatename
- Operation name: Projguidfromviewname
- Operation name: Projmodifyentitysettings
- Operation name: Projmodifyprojectsettingsincategory
- Operation name: Projmodifyprojectsincategory
- Operation name: Projmodifyresourcesettingsincategory
- Operation name: Projmodifyresourcesincategory
- Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupcategorypermissions
- Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupcategorypermissionsbytemplate
- Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupglobalpermissions
- Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupincategory
- Operation name: Projmodifyuseringroup
- Operation name: Projmodifyviewsincategory
- Operation name: Projonlinebackup
- Operation name: Projonlinerestore
- Operation name: Projreadbackupschedule
- Operation name: Projsyssettingsbackup
- Operation name: Projsyssettingsrestore
- Operation name: Projupdatebackupschedule
- Operation name: Projupdateentity
- Operation name: Projupdatepwainstance
- Operation name: Projviewcategorydetails
- Operation name: Projviewentitydetails
- Operation name: Projviewgroupdetails
- Operation name: Projviewpwainstance
- Operation name: Projviewsbackup
- Operation name: Projviewsrestore
Operation name: Projcatgroupbackup
Backs up the category and group settings.
stsadm -o projcatgroupbackup -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projcatgrouprestore
Restores the categories and groups from backup.
stsadm -o projcatgrouprestore -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projcreatecategory
Creates a security category in Project Web Access.
stsadm -o projcreatecategory -url <URL name>
-categoryname <category name>
[-description] <description>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | String, such as "Test" | Yes | Name of the category |
description | String, such as "This category is used for" | No | Description of the category |
Operation name: Projcreateentity
Creates a new Project Server user.
stsadm -o projcreateentity -url <URL name>
-entitytype <entity type>
[-restype] <resource type>
-displayname <display name>
[-authtype] <authentication type>
[-logonname] <logon name>
[-email] <e-mail address>
[-rbs] <Rbs>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
entitytype | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Entity type |
restype | Any one of the following:
| No | Resource type |
authtype | Any one of the following:
| No | Authentication type to use |
logonname | A valid username in the form: Domain\username | No | Logon name |
email | A valid e-mail address in the form: | No | E-mail address |
rbs | A valid Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) in the form: RBSNode1.RBSNode2 | No | Resource Breakdown Structure |
Operation name: Projcreategroup
Creates a specific group from Project Web Access.
stsadm -o projcreategroup -url <URL name>
-groupname <display name>
[-description] <description>
[-adgroup] <group name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
groupname | String, such as "Marketing" | Yes | Display name of the group |
description | String, such as "This is a test group" | No | Description of the group |
adgroup | A valid Active Directory group, such as "ADGroup1" | No | Active Directory group to be synchronized |
Operation name: Projcreatepwainstance
Creates a new instance of Project Web Access and the relevant Project Server databases.
stsadm -o projcreatepwainstance -url <URL name>
[-sspname] <SSP name>
-adminaccount <account name>
-primarydbserver <primary database server name>
-publisheddbname <published database name>
-draftdbname <draft database name>
-archivedbname <archive database name>
-reportingdbserver <reporting database server name>
-reportingdbname <reporting database name>
[-hostheaderwebapplicationurl] <host header name>
[-lcid] <locale ID>
[-wait] <wait for provisioning to complete>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
sspname | A valid Shared Services Provider (SSP) name, such as "SharedServices1" | Yes | SSP name (If not supplied, the default SSP is used.) |
adminaccount | A valid account in the form: Domain\username | Yes | The domain account of an administrator for the instance |
primarydbserver | A valid database name, such as "PrimaryDB" | No | The primary database server |
publisheddbname | A valid database name, such as "PublishedDB" | Yes | The published database name |
draftdbname | A valid database name, such as "DraftDB" | Yes | The working database name |
archivedbname | A valid database name, such as "ArchiveDB" | Yes | The archive database name |
reportingdbserver | A valid database name, such as "Reporting" | Yes | The reporting database server |
reportingdbname | A valid database name, such as "ReportingDB" | Yes | The reporting database name |
hostheaderwebapplicationurl | A valid host header name, such as "" | No | The host header name |
lcid | A valid locale ID, such as "1033" for English | No | The locale ID. If this is not set, the locale of the user executing the command is used. If that does not exist, the default server is used. |
wait | Any one of the following:
| No | Wait for provisioning to complete |
Operation name: Projcustfieldsbackup
Backs up Enterprise custom fields and lookup tables.
stsadm -o projcustfieldsbackup -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projcustfieldsrestore
Restores Enterprise custom fields and lookup tables from backup.
stsadm -o projcustfieldsrestore -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projdeactivateentity
Deactivate a user or resource. Either entityname or entityid must be specified.
stsadm -o projdeactivateentity
-url <URL name>
[-entityname] <user display name>
[-entityid] <user GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
entityname | Text string, such as "Fred" | Yes | Display name of the user |
entityid | ID number, such as "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112U" | Yes | GUID of the user |
Operation name: Projdeletecategory
Deletes a specific category from Project Web Access.
stsadm -o projdeletecategory
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | Text string, such as "test category" | No, but either categoryname or categoryid is required. | Name of the category that you want to delete |
categoryid | ID number, such as "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | No, but either categoryname or categoryid is required. | GUID of the category that you want to delete |
Operation name: Projdeletegroup
Deletes a specific group from Project Web Access.
stsadm -o projdeletegroup
-url <URL name>
[-groupname] <group name>
[-groupid] <group GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
groupname | String, such as "Sales" | No, but either groupname or groupid is required. | Name of the group that you want to delete |
groupid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112G" | No, but either groupname or groupid is required. | GUID of the group that you want to delete |
Operation name: Projdeletepwainstance
Removes the relevant data for an existing instance of Project Web Access from the configuration database.
This operation does not delete the Project Web Access site or Project Server databases. |
stsadm -o projdeletepwainstance
-url <URL name>
[-sspname] <SSP name>
[-wait] <wait for provisioning to complete>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
sspname | A valid Shared Services Provider (SSP) name, such as "SharedServices1" | No | SSP name (If not supplied, the default SSP is used.) |
wait | Any one of the following:
| No | Wait for provisioning to complete. |
Operation name: Projeglobalbackup
Backs up the Enterprise global project.
stsadm -o projeglobalbackup -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projeglobalrestore
Restores a global project from a backup.
stsadm -o projeglobalrestore -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projenumcategories
Enumerates all security categories within one Project Web Access instance.
stsadm -o projenumcategories -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projenumgroups
Enumerates all security groups within one Project Web Access instance.
This operation is equalivent to the User Interface setting that is located in Server Settings, Manage Groups.
stsadm -o projenumgroups -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projenumpermissions
Enumerates all global permissions within one Project Web Access instance.
The result of this command is determined by the value given to the catorglobal parameter.
stsadm -o projenumpermissions -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
catorglobal | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Category or global permissions |
Operation name: Projenumprojects
Enumerates all projects within one Project Web Access instance.
stsadm -o projenumprojects -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projenumpwainstances
Returns information about all Project Web Access instances associated with either the default Shared Services Provider (SSP) or a specified SSP.
stsadm -o projenumpwainstances -sspname <SSP name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
sspname | A valid SSP name, such as "SharedServices1" | Yes | SSP name (If not supplied, the default SSP is used.) |
Operation name: Projenumsecuritytemplates
Enumerates all security templates within one Project Web Access instance.
stsadm -o projenumsecuritytemplates -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Enumerates all users within one Project Web Access instance.
stsadm -o projenumusers -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Backs up the Enterprise Resource Pool and Calendar data.
This data is not versioned; only the most recent copy is stored. |
stsadm -o projerpbackup -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projerprestore
Restores the Enterprise Resource Pool and Calendar data from the archive store.
stsadm -o projerprestore -url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projguidfromcategoryname
Returns the globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular category name.
stsadm -o projguidfromcategoryname
-url <URL name>
-categoryname <category name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | A valid category name, such as "test category" | Yes | Category name |
Operation name: Projguidfromentitydisplayname
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular user resource name.
stsadm -o projguidfromentitydisplayname
-url <URL name>
-displayname <display name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
displayname | String, such as "Fred" | Yes | Display name of the user |
Operation name: Projguidfromentityemail
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular user or resource based on an e-mail address.
stsadm -o projguidfromentityemail
-url <URL name>
-email <e-mail address>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
displayname | A valid e-mail address in the form: | Yes | E-mail address of the user |
Operation name: Projguidfromentitylogonname
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular logon account name.
stsadm -o projguidfromentitylogonname
-url <URL name>
-logonname <logon name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
logonname | A valid logon name in the form: Domain\username | Yes | Logon name |
Operation name: Projguidfromgroupname
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular group's display name.
stsadm -o projguidfromgroupname
-url <URL name>
-groupname <group name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
groupname | String, such as "Marketing" | Yes | Name of the group |
Operation name: Projguidfrompermissionname
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular permission name.
stsadm -o projguidfrompermissionname
-url <URL name>
-permname <permission name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
permname | A valid permission name, such as ViewTeamBuilder | Yes | Name of a global or category permission |
Operation name: Projguidfromprojectname
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular project name.
stsadm -o projguidfromprojectname
-url <URL name>
-projectname <project name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
projectname | A valid project name, such as "Proj1" | Yes | Name of the project |
Operation name: Projguidfromsecuritytemplatename
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular security template name.
stsadm -o projguidfromsecuritytemplatename
-url <URL name>
-templatename <template name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
templatename | A valid template name, such as "test template" | Yes | Name of the template |
Operation name: Projguidfromviewname
Returns a globally unique identifier (GUID) for a particular view's name.
stsadm -o projguidfromviewname
-url <URL name>
-viewname <view name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
viewname | A valid view name, such as "View1" | Yes | Name of the view |
Operation name: Projmodifyentitysettings
Updates a user's resource settings.
stsadm -o projmodifyentitysettings -url <URL name>
-entityid <user GUID>
[-entitytype] <entity type>
[-restype] <resource type>
[-authtype] <authentication type>
[-logonname] <logon name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
entityid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | Yes | GUID of the user |
entitytype | Any one of the following:
| No | Entity type |
restype | Any one of the following:
| No | Resource type |
authtype | Any one of the following:
| No | Authentication type |
logonname | A valid logon name in the form: Domain\username | No | Logon name |
Operation name: Projmodifyprojectsettingsincategory
Modifies the project settings for a category. Choose either all current and future projects, or specific projects. You can also use dynamic category rules. In the case where -allcurrentandfuture is chosen and -onlyselected and dynamic category rules are chosen, -allcurrentandfuture will have no effect.
stsadm -o projmodifyprojectsettingsincategory
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
[-allcurrentandfuture] <current and future projects in Project Server database>
[-onlyselected] <only added projects>
[-ruleprojecttheymanage] <managed projects>
[-ruleassignedasteammember] <team member>
[-rulemanagedbyresourcestheymanage] <managed resources>
[-ruleresourcestheymanageassigned] <assigned resources>
[-ruleowneratsamerbsnodeasuser] <resources in the same node>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | A valid category name, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category that you want to modify |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | No | GUID of the category that you want to modify |
allcurrentandfuture | <none> | No | No value is specified. The presence of this parameter will apply the specified rule to all current and future projects in the database. |
onlyselected | <none> | No | No value is specified. The presence of this parameter will apply the specified rule to only the selected projects. |
ruleprojecttheymanage | Any one of the following:
| No | Projects that the user manages |
ruleassignedasteammember | Any one of the following:
| No | Projects in which they are a team member |
rulemanagedbyresourcestheymanage | Any one of the following:
| No | Projects in which they manage resources that are managed by a user |
ruleresourcestheymanageassigned | Any one of the following:
| No | Projects assigned to resources that they manage |
ruleowneratsamerbsnodeasuser | Any one of the following:
| No | Project resources that are in the same node as self |
Operation name: Projmodifyprojectsincategory
Adds or removes individual projects from a specified category.
stsadm -o projmodifyprojectsincategory
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
[-projectname] <project name>
[-projectid] <project GUID>
-addorremove <add or remove project>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | A valid category name, such as "test category" | No, but a categoryname or categoryid should be specified. | Name of the category that you want to modify |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | No, but a categoryname or categoryid should be specified. | GUID of the category that you want to modify |
projectname | A valid project name, such as "Proj1" | No | Name of the project that you want to modify |
projectid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112F" | No | GUID of the project that you want to modify |
addorremove | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Add or remove a project |
Operation name: Projmodifyresourcesettingsincategory
Adds or removes individual resources settings in a specific category. In the case where the -allcurrentandfuture and -onlyselected parameters are chosen, the -allcurrentandfuture parameter will have no effect.
stsadm -o projmodifyresourcesettingsincategory
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
[-allcurrentandfuture] <current and future projects>
[-onlyselected] <resources added>
[-ruleself] <rules they manage>
[-ruleresourcesinprojectstheymanage] <team member resources>
[-ruleresourcestheymanage] <managed resource name>
[-rulemanagedirectly] <assigned resource name>
[-ruleresourceatsamerbsnodeasself] <same level as owner>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | A valid category name, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category that you want to modify |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | No | GUID of the category that you want to modify |
allcurrentandfuture | <none> | No | No value is specified. The presence of this parameter will apply the specified rule to all current and future projects in the database |
onlyselected | <none> | No | No value is specified. The presence of this parameter will apply the specified rule to only the selected projects. |
ruleself | Any one of the following:
| No | Their own information |
ruleresourcestheymanage | Any one of the following:
| No | Information for all resources to projects that they manage |
ruleresourcesinprojectstheymanage | Any one of the following:
| No | Projects in which they are a team member |
rulemanagedirectly | Any one of the following:
| No | Assigned to all resources that they manage directly |
ruleresourceatsamerbsnodeasself | Any one of the following:
| No | At the same level as owner |
Operation name: Projmodifyresourcesincategory
Adds or removes individual resources from a specific category.
stsadm -o projmodifyresourcesincategory
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
[-resname] <resource name>
[-resid] <resource GUID>
-addorremove <add or remove resource>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | A valid category name, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category that you want to modify |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | No | GUID of the category that you want to modify |
resname | A valid resource name, such as "Res1" | No | Name of the resource that you want to modify |
resid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112F" | No | GUID of the resource that you want to modify |
addorremove | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Add or remove a project |
Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupcategorypermissions
Changes a user's or group's category permissions for a specified category. The permissions can be: Allowed, Denied, or None.
stsadm -o projmodifyusergroupcategorypermissions
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
[-username] <user display name>
[-userid] <user GUID>
[-groupname] <group display name>
[-groupid] <group GUID>
-permid <permission GUID>
-settings <permission settings>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | A valid category name, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category on which to set the permission |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | No | GUID of the category |
username | String, such as "Joe" | No | Display name of the user |
userid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112U" | No | GUID of the user |
groupname | String, such as "Sales" | No | Display name of the group |
groupid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112G" | No | GUID of the group |
permid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112P" | Yes | GUID of the permissions |
settings | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Permission settings |
Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupcategorypermissionsbytemplate
Modifies a user's or group's category permissions by a specified security template.
stsadm -o projmodifyusergroupcategorypermissionsbytemplate
-url <URL name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-userid] <user GUID>
[-username] <user display name>
[-groupid] <group GUID>
[-groupname] <group display name>
[-templateid] <template GUID>
[-templatename] <template display name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | A valid category name, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category on which to set the permission |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | No | GUID of the category |
username | String, such as "Joe" | No | Display name of the user |
userid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112U" | No | GUID of the user |
groupname | String, such as "Sales" | No | Display name of the group |
groupid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112G" | No | GUID of the group |
templateid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112T" | No | GUID of the template |
templatename | String, such as "Template1" | No | Display name of the template |
Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupglobalpermissions
Modifies a user's or group's global permissions.
stsadm -o projmodifyusergroupglobalpermissions
-url <URL name>
[-username] <user display name>
[-userid] <user GUID>
[-groupname] <group display name>
[-groupid] <group GUID>
-permid <permission GUID>
-settings <permission settings>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
username | String, such as "Joe" | No | Display name of the user |
userid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112U" | No | GUID of the user |
groupname | String, such as "Sales" | No | Display name of the group |
groupid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112G" | No | GUID of the group |
permid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112P" | Yes | GUID of the permissions |
settings | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Permission settings |
Operation name: Projmodifyusergroupincategory
Allows administrators to add or remove users and groups from a category.
stsadm -o projmodifyusergroupincategory
-url <URL name>
[-addorremove] <add or remove user>
[-username] <user display name>
[-userid] <user GUID>
[-groupname] <group display name>
[-groupid] <group GUID>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
addorremove | Any one of the following:
| No | Add or remove a user |
username | String, such as "Joe" | No | Display name of the user |
userid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112U" | No | GUID of the user |
groupname | String, such as "Sales" | No | Display name of the group |
groupid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112G" | No | GUID of the group |
categoryname | String, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category on which to set the permission |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112C" | No | GUID of the category |
Operation name: Projmodifyuseringroup
Adds or removes individual users from a specified Group. Either the name or the ID of the group is required as is either the name or the ID of the user that you want to add or remove from the group.
stsadm -o projmodifyuseringroup
-url <URL name>
[-groupname] <group name>
[-groupid] <group GUID>
[-username] <user name>
[-userid] <user GUID>
-addorremove <add or remove user>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
groupname | String, such as "TestGroup" | No, but either groupname or groupid is required. | Name of the group that you want to modify |
groupid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112G" | No, but either groupname or groupid is required. | GUID of the group that you want to modify |
username | String, such as "Joe" | No, but either username or userid is required. | Name of the user that you want to modify |
userid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112U" | No, but either username or userid is required. | GUID of the user that you want to modify |
addorremove | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Add or remove a user |
Operation name: Projmodifyviewsincategory
Adds or removes individual views from a specific category.
stsadm -o projmodifyviewsincategory
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
[-viewname] <view name>
[-viewid] <view GUID>
-addorremove <add or remove view>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | String, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category that you want to modify |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112C" | No | GUID of the category that you want to modify |
viewname | String, such as "View1" | No | Name of the view that you want to modify |
viewid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112V" | No | GUID of the view that you want to modify |
addorremove | Any one of the following:
| Yes | Add or remove a user |
Operation name: Projonlinebackup
Backs up a project.
stsadm -o projonlinebackup
-url <URL name>
-projectguid <project GUID>
[-archivedprojectguid] <archive GUID>
[-versiondescription] <description>
[-retentionpolicy] <number of projects to be retained>
[-overwritearchive] <archive setting>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
projectguid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112P" | Yes | GUID of the project in the draft store |
archivedprojectguid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112A" | No | GUID to identify the project |
versiondescription | String, such as "Viewname1" | No | Name of the view that you want to modify |
retentionpolicy | Integer, such as "5" | No | Number of projects to be retained in the archived store at one time |
overwritearchive | Any one of the following:
| No | Default value is false. If true, and archivedprojectguid is already being used, it will overwrite the existing project. |
Operation name: Projonlinerestore
Restores a project from backup.
stsadm -o projonlinerestore
-url <URL name>
-projectguid <project GUID>
-versionguid <version GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
projectguid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112P" | Yes | GUID of the project |
versionguid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112V" | Yes | GUID of the version |
Operation name: Projreadbackupschedule
Displays the daily backup schedule.
This setting corresponds to the User Interface setting located in Daily Backup Schedule in Server Settings, Database Administration, Schedule Backup.
stsadm -o projreadbackupschedule
-url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projsyssettingsbackup
Backs up system settings.
stsadm -o projsyssettingsbackup
-url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projsyssettingsrestore
Restores system settings from backup.
stsadm -o projsyssettingsrestore
-url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projupdatebackupschedule
Updates the backup schedule. Times in the schedule use the 24-hour time format hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45.
stsadm -o projupdatebackupschedule
-url <URL name>
[-project] <project schedule>
[-erp] <Enterprise Resource Pool schedule>
[-customfields] <CustomFields schedule>
[-eglobal] <schedule>
[-syssettings] <system setting schedule>
[-catgroup] <category schedule>
[-views] <view schedule>
[-archiveretention] <number of versions>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
project | A valid 24-hour time format in the form: Hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45 | No | Schedule of when project backup should occur |
erp | A valid 24-hour time format in the form: Hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45 | No | Schedule of when Enterprise Resource Pool (ERP) backup should occur |
customfields | A valid 24-hour time format in the form: Hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45 | No | Schedule of when custom fields backup should occur |
eglobal | A valid 24-hour time format in the form: Hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45 | No | Schedule of when a Enterprise global backup should occur |
syssettings | A valid 24-hour time format in the form: Hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45 | No | Schedule of when system settings backup should occur |
catgroup | A valid 24-hour time format in the form: Hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45 | No | Schedule of when category and group settings backup should occur |
views | A valid 24-hour time format in the form: Hour:minute, such as 10:15 and 16:45 | No | Schedule of when views backup should occur |
archiveretention | Integer, such as "5" | No | Default number of versions of a project to preserve |
Operation name: Projupdateentity
Updates a project resources and users. The Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) value must be specified in the format RBSNode1.RBSNode2.
stsadm -o projupdateentity
-url <URL name>
-entityid <user GUID>
[-entitytype] <entity type>
[-restype] <resource type>
[-displayname] <display name>
[-rbs] <Rbs>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
entityid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112E" | Yes | GUID of the user |
entitytype | Any one of the following:
| No | Entity type |
restype | Any one of the following:
| No | Resource type |
displayname | String, such as "Joe" | No | Display name |
rbs | A valid Resource Breakdown Structure (RBS) in the form: RBSNode1.RBSNode2 | No | Resource Breakdown Structure |
Operation name: Projupdatepwainstance
Updates an existing instance of Project Web Access and the relevant Project Server databases.
stsadm -o projupdatepwainstance
-url <URL name>
[-sspname] <SSP name>
-primarydbserver <primary database server name>
-publisheddbname <published database name>
-draftdbname <draft database name>
-archivedbname <archive database name>
-reportingdbserver <reporting database server name>
-reportingdbname <reporting database name>
[-wait] <wait for provisioning to complete>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
sspname | A valid Shared Services Provider (SSP) name, such as "SharedServices1" | No | SSP name (If not supplied, the default SSP is used.) |
primarydbserver | A valid database name, such as "PrimaryDB" | Yes | The primary database server name |
publisheddbname | A valid database name, such as "PublishedDB" | Yes | The published database name |
draftdbname | A valid database name, such as "DraftDB" | Yes | The draft database name |
archivedbname | A valid database name, such as "ArchiveDB" | Yes | The archive database name |
reportingdbserver | A valid database name, such as "Reporting" | Yes | The reporting database server name |
reportingdbname | A valid database name, such as "ReportingDB" | Yes | The reporting database name |
wait | Any one of the following:
| No | Wait for provisioning to complete. |
Operation name: Projviewcategorydetails
Returns details of a category based on either the category name or globally unique identifier (GUID) for that category.
stsadm -o projviewcategorydetails
-url <URL name>
[-categoryname] <category name>
[-categoryid] <category GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
categoryname | String, such as "test category" | No | Name of the category |
categoryid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112C" | No | GUID of the category |
Operation name: Projviewentitydetails
Returns details of a user or resource based on either the display name or globally unique identifier (GUID) for that user or resource. Either displayname or userid must be specified.
stsadm -o projviewentitydetails
-url <URL name>
[-displayname] <display name>
[-userid] <user GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
displayname | String, such as "Joe" | No, but either displayname or userid is required. | Display name of the user |
userid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112U" | No, but either displayname or userid is required. | GUID of the user |
Operation name: Projviewgroupdetails
Returns security group details.
stsadm -o projviewgroupdetails
-url <URL name>
[-groupname] <display name>
[-groupid] <group GUID>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
groupname | String, such as "Sales" | No, but either groupname or groupid is required. | Display name of the group |
groupid | A valid GUID in the form: "1DFA3537-766A-41D8-94AC-7F6BEA8E112G" | No, but either groupname or groupid is required. | GUID of the group |
Operation name: Projviewpwainstance
Returns information about a specific Project Web Access instance, including the site host header information.
stsadm -o projviewpwainstance
-url <URL name>
[-sspname] <SSP name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
sspname | A valid Shared Services Provider (SSP) name, such as "SharedServices1" | No | SSP name (If not supplied, the default SSP is used.) |
Operation name: Projviewsbackup
Backs up all view definitions.
This setting corresponds to the User Interface setting located in Server Settings, Look and Feel, Manage Views.
stsadm -o projviewsbackup
-url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
Operation name: Projviewsrestore
Restores view definitions from backup.
stsadm -o projviewsrestore
-url <URL name>
Parameter | Value | Required? | Description |
url | A valid URL, such as "http://server_name/pwa" | Yes | URL of the Project Web Access site |
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