quarta-feira, 23 de novembro de 2011

Application Lifecycle Management: Microsoft Project Server 2010 and Microsoft Team Foundation Server 2010

Criar um KPI relatório Detalhes usando o Dashboard Designer

Usando PerformancePoint Dashboard Designer, você pode criar um KPI relatório Detalhes para o seu dashboard. Detalhes relatórios KPI são usados ​​para mostrar informações adicionais sobre os KPIs e outros itens que estão em um scorecard. O relatório Detalhes KPI serve como um companheiro para um scorecard. Isto significa que um KPI relatório Detalhes não é usado em um painel sem o seu scorecard que acompanha na página de dashboard mesmo. Para mais informações, consulte Visão geral do PerformancePoint Detalhes relatórios KPI. Você pode criar um único relatório de KPI Detalhes e depois reutilizá-lo em vários painéis.

Para criar um KPI Detalhes relatório

1. Na faixa de opções, clique na guia Criar. Então, no grupo Relatórios, clique em Detalhes KPI. O relatório é aberto para edição.

2. No painel central, clique na guia Editor. Lá, você pode especificar as informações que você deseja exibir no relatório.

KPI section Option Description
Cell Context InformationShow cell context informationSelect this option to display the following information:
  • Metric
  • Measure
  • Row Path, which corresponds to the scorecard row that was clicked.
  • Column Path, which corresponds to the scorecard column that was clicked.
Expand cell context sections by defaultBy default, this option is selected. It causes the KPI Details report to be expanded to display the information that you specify.
Show Indicator OptionsShow status graphDo not use this option. It does not work in the current version of PerformancePoint Services.
Show indicator graphicDo not use this option. It does not work in the current version of PerformancePoint Services.
Show Details InformationShow actualSelect this option to display actual values when cells in the scorecard's Target column are clicked.
Show calculationSelect this option to display how scores are calculated and what banding method is used by the KPI that was clicked.
KPIs use one of the following calculations:
  • Increasing is better
  • Decreasing is better
  • Closer to target is better
Show scoreSelect this option to show raw scores when cells in the scorecard's Target column are clicked.
Show threshold gridSelect this option to determine whether to show the threshold grid when cells in the scorecard's Target column are clicked.
The threshold grid includes the following information:
  • The kind of indicator that is used by the KPI that was clicked
  • A table showing the different thresholds and performance for a KPI.
When you select Show threshold grid, you must also select one of the following two options:
  • Percentage threshold values
  • Target values adjusted for indicator threshold percentages
For metrics with normalized weighted value, show Percentage valuesSelect this option to display performance in percentages in the threshold grid.
For metrics with normalized weighted value, show Target values adjusted for indicator threshold percentagesSelect this option to display performance in numeric values in the threshold grid.
Show varianceSelect this option to show the variance from the next status threshold.
For example, if performance is slightly off target for a particular metric, the variance would be how far away the metric is from being on target.
Additional informationShow DescriptionSelect this option to display any text that was entered in the Description box for a KPI (visible on the Properties tab for a KPI in Dashboard Designer).
Show CommentsSelect this option to display any comments or annotations that have been added to a scorecard.
Depending on whether comments (or annotations) are enabled in the SharePoint Central Administration Web site, both dashboard authors and dashboard consumers can add comments to a scorecard.
  • Dashboard authors can open a scorecard for editing in Dashboard Designer and add comments by using the Edit tab.
  • Dashboard users can add comments to a scorecard in its SharePoint site by right-clicking a cell, and then clicking Comments.
Show KPI PropertiesSelect this option to display any custom properties that might have been created for each KPI (visible on the Properties tab for a KPI in Dashboard Designer).
Show Person ResponsibleSelect this option to display information about the person who is responsible for the KPI status (which is visible on the Properties tab for a KPI in Dashboard Designer).

sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

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